How To Create An Authority Site - Solid Site Foundation

How To Create An Authority Site - Solid Site Foundation

How To Create An Authority Site

SEO Boost Your Fresh Tumblr PA/DA
How This Sneaky Affiliate Site is Making Six Figures Per Year
Here is My Huge SEO Footprints: Wikis EDU Footprints Code:
Since I got one of my Adsense account banned because of a competitor, I decided to take a very short break.

Besides working with my team, I have some spare time. Meanwhile I'll create other Adsense accounts and other sites I'm going to put a part of my blueprint here.

I did give back in the past, I did give back in my private chats (these days, the real hot stuff goes on in private chats, not public forums) but I didn't give back anything to BHW. Hence my reputation.

A reason that had great weight and made me post this short guide is the fact that newbs are brainwashed by Google, too much. It's funny to see all the newbs taking for real what Google team says but it's not cool to see anyone with no knowledge spreading lies day in day out. I will step in and share tips on how to make thousands and thousands a month.

Before they quit, different guys were making $15.000, $30.000 a month just with MFA sites. Like in every industry, there are the big dogs that are making much more than $15.000 or $30.000 a month, but we will (probably) talk on that later in some other thread.

As an average amount, you can think of 15.000$/month (that's $500 a day) as a goal easy to accomplish. Who in the world in this moment and in this time says it's easy to do $15.000/month? Me. Because I'm a big dog, I'm from too long in this business and I know the system too well. I've been there and done that, and still do. I know this business that well I'm able to give you advice on how you can create online assets and live from the generated passive income.

This is a guide for creating an authority site, a guide on creating high performance sites. If my time permits me, I'll drop juicy advice on CTR, conversion optimization, ranking and SEO and other subjects but I'll keep this to creating an authority site and making money out of it. If I feel it's worth my time, in future, I will consider sharing my experience on other subjects.

The Best Way to Create an Authority Site

You either can sell these authority sites or keep for yourself.

Here's what you can do on the monetization part:

- Flip them for solid money to businesses within that niche. (Very profitable)
- Loan them to businesses within that niche. (Profitable if you know how to setup the contracts)
- Sell leads to businesses within that niche. (Profitable if you know how to setup the lead gen system)
- Create a product and sell to that market. (Very profitable if you know many other things)
- Sign up as an affiliate (can be amazon) to a high converting product for that market and earn affiliate commission . (Profitable)
- Put Adsense blocks and earn passive income (easy passive income, very profitable)

For every type of site you can go either for small, medium or big. It depends on how much money you want. You can use the authority site foundation on any kind of site - be it small (MFA), medium or big.


Your goal is to pick a domain name that is easy to remember, preferably without hyphens, and at a glance lets people know what your site is about. The domain needs to be the brand name of your site.

Some tips from me, follow or not:

- Always use .com
- Keep it short and with meaning
- Easy to read
- Easy to spell
- Easy to remember
- Don't use hyphens
- Don't use numbers

Exact match domains are not a problem, I just go for the brand though. I don't need the EMD advantage but you might if SEO isn't your forte.

I use Namecheap and few more domain registrars, I also have more than 1 account at one favourite registrar. I'm a big dog, I own a lot of domains and I don't let them sit in one account.


Years ago, when I started out I used hostgator, which worked great at that time, but now I have shared host plans only for other stuff (blog networks hint hint) and not for hosting the money sites. Shared hosting plans are usually slow and put yourself at an unwanted risk.

I'm either using my own servers that are collocated in different parts of this world either rented servers. I do this because I look for speed and because hosting matters more than most of you think. Pro tip - don't invest your food money in servers. Things might go wrong if you're not good at this.

- Get a Linux based server

- Look for speed

CDN and Nameservers

Go for the free Cloudflare plan. If you start bringing more traffic go for paid solutions. Use custom nameservers (

A CDN will help your website speed and performance and a custom nameserver will show you as a brand for whoever checks your whois info. A custom nameserver has many other benefits but I won't hit on them now.


You can do what you wish with the Wordpress CMS and with the plugins out there is even simpler. Unless you're a programmer and want to spend days and weeks to build your own platform, you should go for Wordpress.

Before using any wp theme make sure you download them from trusted sources. Unless you're into hacking and know how to test a code it will be better to buy the theme or use a free one.

Some free and not-free themes you would want to look at will be:

Responsive Shell Llite Thesis Iconic One Heatmap

All themes listed above have more than one thing in common. Responsive, clean structure, clean code, easy to navigate, sleek design and fonts but not anything complicated. Ugly fonts and extremely colorful designs will confuse and frustrate your readers.

All themes will require some sort of customization. Without customization, your site will look odd and plain. That's not what you want with an authority site.

I'll leave that to handle by yourself or hire a designer that knows about design and conversions.


Same as with the themes, before using any of them I will look for vulnerabilities and potential malicious code. I'm at the point that I developed wp as a custom platform and no one can track and find out I run the site on Wordpress. I leave no footprints or patterns available.

Some plugins I use are:

All in One SEO Pack
Link Cloaking
Google XML Sitemap
WP Sitemap Page
Broken Link Checker
Contact Form 7
Contextual Related Posts
W3 Total Cache
Breadcrumb NavXT
BackWPup Free

Most of the time I use all the listed plugins, however, some of them are used only in particular circumstances. Some plugins are designed to enhance blogs, and others to enhance affiliate sites, consider what functions you need and choose your plugins accordingly.

I rarerly update wordpress and it's plugins. I have my own bulletproof plugins so attempting to hack any of my sites will be hard. Be careful with what kind of plugins you're installing, and before installing any plugin take a look on it and edit it's code if you know how. It will save your ass in the long time if you're into hard niches.

I will go in detail for each plugin later.


It depends on the kind of site I want to create. If it's a news/general (article type) site and I want to rank for a lot of longtails and keywords then I will add the main categories in the menu of the site. If it's a niche specific site I will want to create 3-4 pages (each for one keyword) and have them in the menu of the site.

Again, it depends on the site, if I have a news site I will want to have my latest posts on the homepage. If it's niche specific I will setup a landing page linking to other keyword pages and articles.

Before starting to create the site, I get one facebook page, one google+ page and one twitter page for the site's brand ( If you feel videos fit well in your niche then get a youtube profile too. Save these links because you'll need them later. Another thing you might want to do now is to buy likes/followers/subscribers (stay away of buying Google+ votes if you don't have a good source) for your social media pages. Drip feed these by 7-10 days, it will help with pages growth. When you share one of the site posts it helps if you retweet/like that.

The sites I make are W3C validated and are extremely fast. I tweak them in order to load as fast as possible.

There are plenty of tools I use, usually each one gets up with something new to improve. I prefer Pingdom Tools but there is something similar from Neustar - use which one you like, then as follows: Google Pagespeed Insights, WebPageTest, GTmetrix.

You might find different metrics between each of the tools. That's why it's good to run your website through several tools and see how the site performs overall.

Another thing I do is to see how the site is acting with different browsers versions. Use BrowserShots for that.

Settings & Setup

Some basic things you might want to do are:

- Disable pingbacks and trackbacks - Add a list of ping services in "Update Services" (to be found Settings > Writing) - Create the categories of your site - Install the choosed theme and plugins


Unless I do something specific, I set the permalinks as /%postname%/

If you know to create the titles for your articles the right way (with keywords and longtail keywords in it), in time, you will rank for dozens and dozens of longtail keywords. Saying you have 300 articles, each one ranking for it's longtails and saying each article brings 10 visitors a day then that's 3000 visitors a day only from easy longtail.

Disable Default Gravatar images

First times when I was checking these page speed tools I saw an enourmous time load on gravatar images. That's because avatars are actually hosted on

Go to Settings > Discussion > uncheck Show avatars or check Blank.

All in One SEO

Check Canonical URLs, disable Use Original Title, disable Use Keywords, uncheck Use Tags for META keywords, uncheck Dynamically Generate Keywords for Posts Page, enable Rewrite Titles, check Capitalize Titles, check Capitalize Category Titles.

These settings are site specific but in the case of a niche site I want to have them like this: check Use noindex for Categories, check Use noindex for Date Archives, check Use noindex for Author Archives, check Use noindex for Tag Archives.

Google XML Sitemaps

Check Write a normal XML file (your filename), check Write a gzipped file (your filename + .gz), check Rebuild sitemap if you change the content of your blog, check Notify Google about updates of your Blog, check Notify Bing (formerly MSN Live Search) about updates of your Blog, check Add sitemap URL to the virtual robots.txt file, check Use default, check Build the sitemap in a background process (You don't have to wait when you save a post), check Do not use automatic priority calculation, check Include homepage, check Include posts, check Include static pages, check Include the last modification time.

Again, some of the settings might be site specific so set as it's better for your site.

WP Sitemap Page

Go to Settings > WP Sitemap page - How to display posts: <a href="{permalink}">{title}</a> {day}/{hour}:{minute}

At the same time, create a page with the slug html-sitemap and insert the shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]

An HTML sitemap (beside the XML one) will improve your site interlinking. Save the link of that page, you'll want to add that later in the footer.

Broken Link Checker

Check Apply custom formatting to broken links, check HTML links, check HTML images, check Basic HTTP, check Run continuously while the Dashboard is open, check Run hourly in the background.

Contextual Related Posts

Check post, check page, uncheck attachment, check Find related posts based on content as well as title, check Posts, check Feeds. Select Blank Output, Select Display thumbnails inline with posts, after title.

W3 Total Cache

Enable page Cache, Minify, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache on the General settings page.

Page Cache: Check Cache front page, check Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments, check Cache 404 (not found) pages, check Cache requests only for ( site address.

Minify: Check Rewrite URL structure, enable HTML Minify, uncheck Inline CSS minification, uncheck Inline JS minification, enable JS minify.


Go for the classic sociable plugin and insert it after the post. Don't use the skyscraper, only amateurs use that. It kills time on site, frustrates the reader and makes your site look amateurish.

BackWPup Free

Since you don't want your work to be vanished use BackWPup Free.

I setup the plugin to make me a backup daily at each 8 hours. In some cases you might want to have the backup emailed. Keeping your backup on the same server it's dumb, when you need it probably you won't be able to access it.


If you sell any kind of products, or services, or do any kind of business online, even if you're just an affiliate, the FTC requires you to have certain legal pages on your website.

Depending on the site, do the extra step and add pages like Privacy Policy (Adsense advertising cookies), Disclaimer, Disclosure, Terms of service, Terms and conditions, Contact. No-index them with the use of All in One SEO.

Not only they help you look like a serious business but this might save you from legal issues.

FAQ and Help/Resources pages will also create a more positive user experience.

Along with your HTML and XML Sitemap, get links of all the new pages you've created and put them in your footer.


Throw tons of articles on your site. This is the single way to rank for longtails.

The art of building an authority site is to get as much traffic as possible from longtails and be an authority over many spontaneous searches that your targeted traffic may have. With an authority site you rank for related keywords within that niche. Keywords that you don't know about.

Authority sites work that good because of the amount of content they have, and in my case because of the solid site foundation.

Make your articles at 600-800 words, sometimes 1000-1500. Do formatting like paragraphs, nice images (with caption!), maybe a video, headlines. Use your related keyword or longtail in the title. Interlink them with other posts and pages, link out to authority sites and authority news site. If you follow the solid site foundation, besides your big keyword optimized pages, your articles (posts) will rank naturally.

When I launch the site, I will have at least 50 articles between 600-1000 words. Then I'll have another 200 that will be scheduled as 2-3 a day.

Now I have sites where my writers only press the publish button, the article gets indexed within minutes, and I'm ranked for dozens of longtail keywords, all bringing traffic ready to be monetized. That's the advantage of an authority site, of the solid site foundation and domain authority/trust.


Unless I sell my own product I don't use only one source of monetization. Adsense, CPA or selling leads I will do them all.

Get an autoresponder so you can build your lists in a stress free way. Interact with the subscriber once it jumps on your list and direct him to a CPA offer, product where you are an affiliate.

I will make 300-500$/day with each medium site (Adsense, CPA, affiliate combined) I create, and 2000-4000$ with each email blast (however, that is solely on how big of a list you get over time). In time I will earn more and more, the site is growing, and the list is growing too. Since the site is growing extremely fast I can sell it for fat 6 figures if I choose to. If I create my product for that niche then that's another deal, I'll earn way more but there will be much more work involved.

A trick that might increase your earnings by ten times is to make use of the exit-intent technology. When a visitor tries to close the page it's possible to say you lost it. However, that's one of the best moments to show a pop-up. The exit-intent technology detects when a visitor runs with the pointer over the close or back button. You can show them an opt in form (promise them a freebie if they sign up) or offer them something you think they might be interested in - such as more info regarding the topic, interesting facts, attractive images, a call to action... Be creative, if it's done right you can earn good money out of yesterdays lost visitors.

Read more about it at BounceExchange. Search for a wp plugin that uses this new technology, I've coded myself a nice piece of plugin but I'm sure you can find something good for this by using Google.

Profitable Adsense templates

A template is different of a theme. I'll share two of my best paying Adsense templates. I usually have these on my small and medium sites (the so-called MFA sites) where I want to earn most of the money with Adsense.

Template 1

The 160 x 600 banner is going to be seen by many because the reading flow is from left to right. As reader eyes moves from left to right, the ads will come into their vision. I got better results with text ads than graphical ads. It's because text ads tend to match the content better, being highly relevant of what site's visitor might have interest.

The 300 x 250 medium rectangle ad was first put below the 2-3 paragraphs but while doing my tests I've got better results when I put the 300 x 250 ad below the first paragraph.

Since I've used all 3 ad units I have choosen a link unit ad of 468 x 15. This serves the purpose of having a navigation bar in the footer, if the interest is matched then the reader will often be tempted to click them.

Template 2

This template is more profitable than the above one. This template can be used for online flash games and video sites. By adding the 300 x 250 medium rectangle ad at the bottom you will generate even more interest and clicks, since you're targetting the ones that are into the 728 x 90 blindness area.

I wanted to give details about other things but at the moment I'm afraid I will have to post this as it is. If I see there is interest I will probably consider making posts on conversion rate optimization, SEO... money, life... maybe about me. I will see.

Because I have many sites, I will be able to risk one and show it but not on a public forum. I've been asked many times for my sites, If I see you are qualified to check it then you will have it. I'm not going to send my URLs to negative reputation members. If you have questions, I'll try to answer them within my spare time.

Aston Martin,3,Audi,4,Automotive,51,Bajaj,2,Bentley,1,Berita,39,Bmw,10,BMW,5,Car,39,Cheetah,1,Chevrolet,8,Chrysler,2,Classics,2,Daihatsu,16,Datsun,1,DFSK,1,Dodge,1,Ducati,2,Ferrari,3,Fiat,3,Fisker,2,Ford,8,Geely,1,Holden,3,Honda,32,Hyundai,3,Iklan,7,Infiniti,1,Jaguar,6,Kawasaki,1,KTM,1,Lamborghini,2,Land Rover,1,Lotus,1,Maserati,1,Mazda,4,McLaren,1,Mercedes,8,Mercedes-Benz,8,Mitsubhisi,2,motorcycles,21,My Journey,6,News,16,Nissan,12,Opel,3,Otomotif,20,Peugeot,1,Piaggio,1,Plymouth,1,Porsche,11,Prius,1,Proton,1,Renault,3,Roll-Royce,1,SEO,120,Skoda,1,SsangYong,1,Suzuki,36,Tata,7,Toyota,31,Volkswagen,4,Volvo,4,Wuling,2,Yamaha,9,Your Article Directory,17,
Auto Journey: How To Create An Authority Site - Solid Site Foundation
How To Create An Authority Site - Solid Site Foundation
How To Create An Authority Site
Auto Journey
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