I used this method to boost any Freshly created Tumblr. Although they are not that High, in compare to expired scraped ones. But little th...
(We are using Firefox)
1 - Install Greasemonkey Greasemonkey addon to Firefox.
2 - Download Tumblr Autoliker – Greasemonkey Script - Tumblr Autoliker – Greasemonkey Script
3 - On Greasemonkey icon, press on "New user script" and you will find it appeared as Unnamed script.
4 - Click on this unnamed script -> Edit (you will find JS Editor) -> go to the Downloaded Tumblr Autoliker and open it using any Text editor copy all the code and go back to Greasemonkey, Paste it there and you are done.
5 - Now, go to Tumblr, open your account and search for Your niche keywords. When the results show up, you will notice in the upper left corner of the screen "Auto Like all". Keep on doing this and keep the likes below 500 like per day
https://prnt.sc/lhw0i8 https://prnt.sc/lhw0i8
These results updated within a few days.
---------kikimiqbalsoft (c)-------